Thanks to everyone who voted for my short! Unfortunately I didn't move on to the next round. I didn't get enough votes. I didn't actually realise when the voting period officially started and ended so, maybe if I had been on top of that I would have fared better. If you check out the Sydney Opera House you tube channel, you can see all the shorts that made it to round two in the gallery. They're all looking pretty good, so that's cool!
I'm on a small hiatus from Pickled right now. I'm putting together a storyboarding portfolio! I'm not sure where I'll be or what I'll be doing in a few months ahead, my time in Australia is possibly coming to an end. I will definitely be getting back to Pickled soon enough though!

Several weeks ago I came across a lecture by Jim Capobiano (creator of the Leonardo short which I wrote about on my first post ever!) on the journey of making his short film. I learned some new things so I'm grateful that Creative Talent Network and Jim made the lecture. I'll be taking some of his advice when I hop back onto Pickled.
Today I found a very inspiring blog. It is leonardo and it chronicles the progress of Jim Capobianco's (Pixar story artist and director of the short Your Friend the Rat) short film, Leonardo. He has thus far spent 10 years on this labor of love!!! I don't know if I could still like working on one of my story ideas for that long... None of the ideas I've come up with yet anyway... Story ideas to me reflect a spot that I'm at in my life somehow and when you move on, staying with old ideas somehow seems like going back to a sketch you did in kindergarten and fixing it up... Anyway, this blog and Jim's obvious passion has inspired me to start up a blog about the short film I want to create. It used to be called Pickled and then Perfection and it will probably end up receiving the moniker Pickled Perfection. Aptly named blog.

I've been really wanting to make a short film for a long time but since graduating most of my time has gone to working professionally... Good for paying off student loans and weddings. I've gone through a few strange artistic phases over the past several years and I know I must create this short film!! It is my dream. So... I hope to update here with ideas more often than I've been updating my other two blogs because I am really dying to get this project going. Blogging for fun right now is waaaay down on my list of priorities but this short film is close to the top. My wedding is one thing higher on the list right now and that takes place in May.
AuthorAndrea K Haid