I spent most of the weekend pondering the future of art and animation... One easy way to sum up my thoughts is: cheap, fast, easy, new.
Recently I've been obsessed with film cameras and photography. I'm pretty new to it but I'm letting photographic influences leak into my film. Recently I bought a refurbished Polaroid. When I couldn't understand how to use it and nor could a chap at the photo store/developing place I visited, I picked up a Holga. I've wanted a Holga for a long time but didn't pick one up since I knew I'd be going to Australia. It's expensive to bring stuff around the world and back. Also, while there I didn't make any money so picking up a camera and buying/developing film was out of the question. I later realised that my Polaroid is working just fine, the problem was me; I wasn't holding the button down long enough to let the flash charge before taking a photo. So since that time... I got another Polaroid in case something happens to the first one and recently I ordered a Lomokino. (!!!) I am just going to stop looking at things that are for sale for awhile. Oh yeah and I also bought two very old camera bags on ebay.
I love old things. I've learned recently that I don't enjoy old things for pure nostalgia though. Which is a relief. I like thinking about the future and new. I like pushing for the future of art. Thinking of the future of art... Often "cheap" disgusts me. But it depends. Sometimes cheap is fabulous. But I tend to be attracted to quality and "magic". To me, a Polaroid camera is wonder and magical. It was a big deal in it's time and was/is a pleasure to use.
Film cameras are seeing a big resurgence, especially via the format of toy cameras/lomography. It's interesting that as digital cameras get ridiculously advanced (Lytro), people are reaching for something "primative" and unpredictable. I think "cheap, fast, easy, new" applies to many aspects of art these days as well as other industries. I think it's what people often want or have to be. I personally love the fact that my Holga was cheap. I do still have to pay for film and developing however so "cheap" may be somewhat of an illusion. It's more like small payments over time instead of one investment up front. And that method of making money is certainly popular these days.
I expect to receive my Lomokino on Tuesday and I am super mega excited.
The Impossible Project - new polaroid film and products
Photoworks in San Francisco - cameras, film and developing
Recently I've been obsessed with film cameras and photography. I'm pretty new to it but I'm letting photographic influences leak into my film. Recently I bought a refurbished Polaroid. When I couldn't understand how to use it and nor could a chap at the photo store/developing place I visited, I picked up a Holga. I've wanted a Holga for a long time but didn't pick one up since I knew I'd be going to Australia. It's expensive to bring stuff around the world and back. Also, while there I didn't make any money so picking up a camera and buying/developing film was out of the question. I later realised that my Polaroid is working just fine, the problem was me; I wasn't holding the button down long enough to let the flash charge before taking a photo. So since that time... I got another Polaroid in case something happens to the first one and recently I ordered a Lomokino. (!!!) I am just going to stop looking at things that are for sale for awhile. Oh yeah and I also bought two very old camera bags on ebay.
I love old things. I've learned recently that I don't enjoy old things for pure nostalgia though. Which is a relief. I like thinking about the future and new. I like pushing for the future of art. Thinking of the future of art... Often "cheap" disgusts me. But it depends. Sometimes cheap is fabulous. But I tend to be attracted to quality and "magic". To me, a Polaroid camera is wonder and magical. It was a big deal in it's time and was/is a pleasure to use.
Film cameras are seeing a big resurgence, especially via the format of toy cameras/lomography. It's interesting that as digital cameras get ridiculously advanced (Lytro), people are reaching for something "primative" and unpredictable. I think "cheap, fast, easy, new" applies to many aspects of art these days as well as other industries. I think it's what people often want or have to be. I personally love the fact that my Holga was cheap. I do still have to pay for film and developing however so "cheap" may be somewhat of an illusion. It's more like small payments over time instead of one investment up front. And that method of making money is certainly popular these days.
I expect to receive my Lomokino on Tuesday and I am super mega excited.
The Impossible Project - new polaroid film and products
Photoworks in San Francisco - cameras, film and developing